Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study

Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study
All the background data gathered along with the analysis and recommendations are documented in a detailed Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study report which is then submit to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries for both review and concurrence. Upon review a letter of concurrence is then issued by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I require a Stage 1 Archaeological Study?
You will be informed by your approval authority. (i.e. when submitting an application for development)
Can a Stage 1 Archaeological Study be completed in the winter?
Yes. A Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study can be completed in the winter. Recommendations for further Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment are made based on aerial images and background documentation as a property visit can not be done while it is covered in snow.

Related Archaeological Assessments

Stage 2 Property Assessment

Stage 3 Site-specific Assessment